Monday, May 14, 2012

Letter to the Editor regarding Exams at Punjab U. April 6-8 1886

I am especially attuned to any hints of Indian voices in the Civil & Military Gazette from this period. They are rare, but not entirely impossible to find. Here is one, from a Punjab University student who is annoyed at an examination snafu:

An Examination Difficulty
[To the Editor.]
Sir,--I hope you will kindly allow space to the following few lines in your paper. Yesterday the University examinations commenced. All the examinees got printed papers, with the excetion of six F.A. candidates. for ten minutes they were waiting for papers, but last their patience was tired and they cried out 'papers.' A few minutes after a Superintendent came to them, and told them to their mortification, that no papers were left. At this moment many thoughts came in their mind. they were conducted to a separate room and had to write the papers for themselves as an exercise in dictation. This disagreeable work took 45 minutes. What a disadvantage? Any one who has ever appeared in any examination can easily comprehend what an awkward thing this is . Such a thing is unheard of in any University examination. Irregularity which cannot be excused. In conclusion, I hope that the authorities will take notice of it, and have mercy on the fate of the poor students.

He must have passed his exams, because a "Lala Beni Pershad" shows up in the Punjab Law Reporter in 1905, pleading a Hindu law case regarding property rights: link.

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